A bit about Hanna…

Hanna Shykind (she/her) is a Jewish actor, singer, and writer. She grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in a Russian-speaking home, and moved to Doha, Qatar when she was twelve years old. She actually caught the theater bug while living in the Middle East and was thrilled to return to NYC as a teenager to be surrounded by Broadway. Powerfully influenced by her doctor parents, Hanna got her B.A. from Oberlin College in Neuroscience and Theater, where she also studied opera performance. Now based in New York City, when Hanna isn’t performing or collaborating with her talented friends and colleagues, she is teaching theater arts to children. Hanna believes that theater and theater education should be accessible to people of all abilities!

Hanna has performed at the Moscow Art Theater School in Russia, Barrington Stage Company, Signature Theater Off-Broadway, and Feinstein’s/54 Below. Hanna loves developing new works and most recently performed in a workshop of Teeth by Michael R. Jackson & Anna K. Jacobs, directed by Sarah Benson, presented by Playwrights Horizons. She also played the lead in the new musical Ghost Girl by Catherine Trieschmann and Alex Underwood, directed by Stephen Weitz, through the Ad Astra Music Festival. Hanna can’t wait to see what will come next!